Friday, September 17, 2010

Shopping With My Husband

Wow, it's been way too long since I've posted anything. But, summer's over and my daughter's back to school--first grade! I've also got my preschool classes underway and am starting to get into a routine.

Last night, we went shopping together. All three of us. It was so nice. I enjoy shopping with my husband. It was just a trip to Costco, but walking through the store together, making decisions together... I don't know, it just felt good. We don't go shopping together very often, because he's a get in and get out kind of shopper whereas I like to walk around and look at everything. My main reason for walking and around and looking is usually to find items on clearance that are a really good deal. I haven't ever noticed clearance items at Costco, so I wasn't as tempted to walk around. But, Costco did have plenty of samples which encourages my husband to walk around more than usual, so we were both happy. Might sound goofy, but it's a bit romantic to me (hey, we've been married 10 years, that romantic feeling doesn't happen often).

When we're at home, everyone seems to be doing their own things. Someone's on the computer, either playing games, checking e-mail, or researching something. Someone else might be watching TV or doing dishes. Then there's someone doing homework or playing with toys. Even when watching movies together, we're usually on separate pieces of furniture. I relish the togetherness. Perhaps I need to do more to foster it. Something to pray about today. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Welcome to My First Blog!

You are reading my first ever blog, and I welcome you! My goal is to become "more valuable than rubies." I've always been overwhelmed by how amazingly wonderful the wife of Proverbs 31 was. I certainly to not expect to come anywhere close to her, but it can only benefit me to try.

One way I am to try is by saving my family as much money as possible. My husband works hard for what we have, and I want to do what I can to contribute while taking care of our family and home. I work part-time as a preschool director/teacher and babysit in the afternoons. I also have a small home business making soy candles and body lotions. Recently, I've been trying to make the most of shopping with coupons while items are at their lowest prices; I even took a class on it at my local library.

What can you expect from my blog? Well, I'm not entirely sure just yet. But, you may find some special deals on my candle website ( You'll read some book reviews written by me. I'll share some shopping deals that make me excited. And hopefully, I'll be able to share with you my journey to become "more valuable than rubies."

Thanks for stopping by!